engagement online tool

The basics 

  1. Why is engagement important? Listen to young people speak about the role of their GP. 
  2. Listen to some dos and don’ts around engaging young people
  3. Tips on engagement and look at these videos on Poor engagement/good engagement videos
  4. Address confidentiality issues and concerns
  5. Involve family and friends, depending on the young person’s age, stage of development, wishes and circumstances. View more on considerations around confidentiality in minors.


Considerations for engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people

  1. Adopt the holistic Social and Emotional Wellbeing approach to healthcare when engaging with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander young person.
  2. Watch Dr. Mark Wenitong discuss how to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young People
  3. Watch Dr Mark Wenitong discuss how to assess Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people


Considerations for engaging LGBTIQA+ young people

Young people who are same sex attracted face some unique challenges as they progress through adolescence and young adulthood. It is important to develop an understanding of these challenges in order to provide an inclusive, safe and affirmative service for same sex attracted clients. Engage in inclusive practice (and see Working safely and inclusively with sexuality diverse young people)


Other at risk young people

Some groups are at higher risk of developing a mental health issue or find it harder to seek help when they need it. These include culturally and linguistically diverse young people, young people at risk of homelessness, and young men.

Get professional support

If you feel you need help there are a range of ways we can support you.